
Wine Tastings

March 14th 2025 : Vin Neuf Wine Tasting hosted by Jonathan in our Cellars taste through 6 wines in our cellars. £30 per person includes a Deli ‘sharing board’. 6.45pm arrival for 7pm start. Finish circa 8.45pm 2 places left

March 27th 2025 : Vin Neuf Wine Tasting in our Cellars taste through 6 wines in our cellars. £30 per person includes a Deli ‘sharing board’. 6.45pm arrival for 7pm start. Finish circa 8.45pm SOLD OUT

March 28th 2025 : Vin Neuf Wine Tasting in our Cellars taste through 6 wines in our cellars. £30 per person includes a Deli ‘sharing board’. 6.45pm arrival for 7pm start. Finish circa 8.45pm SOLD OUT

April 17th (Thursday) : Vin Neuf Wine Tasting in our Cellars taste through 6 wines in our cellars. £30 per person includes a Deli ‘sharing board’. 6.45pm arrival for 7pm start. Finish circa 8.45pm 4 Places left

April 25th : Vin Neuf Wine Tasting in our Cellars taste through 6 wines in our cellars. £30 per person includes a Deli ‘sharing board’. 6.45pm arrival for 7pm start. Finish circa 8.45pm SOLD OUT

May 8th (Thursday) : Vin Neuf Wine Tasting in our Cellars taste through 6 wines in our cellars. £30 per person includes a Deli ‘sharing board’. 6.45pm arrival for 7pm start. Finish circa 8.45pm 

May 10th (Saturday) : Vin Neuf Wine Tasting hosted by Chris McCarthy in our Cellars taste through 6 wines in our cellars. £30 per person includes a Deli ‘sharing board’. 6.45pm arrival for 7pm start. Finish circa 8.45pm 

May 22nd (Thursday) : Vin Neuf Wine Tasting in our Cellars taste through 6 wines in our cellars. £30 per person includes a Deli ‘sharing board’. 6.45pm arrival for 7pm start. Finish circa 8.45pm 

About Vin Neuf Wine Tastings

Vin Neuf wine tastings take place at several selected locations around Warwickshire, including our own cellars here in central Stratford-upon-Avon.

Our ongoing programme of wine tastings is posted here on the website.

Furthermore, if you subscribe to our newsletter (see the form below) we’ll also update you regularly on our tasting events, wine courses and wine offers & promotions.

As you’d expect, all of these items will also pop up in our social media channels, which we encourage you to follow.


Virtual Tastings

In conjunction with wine tastings in our cellar and at other venues, we also run Virtual Wine Tastings online via Instagram Live!

Just so you can get an idea… you can view a previous tasting event here, or by clicking the image to the left.

We’ve had a great response to all of our virtual tastings and do hope you’ll join us for an ‘at home’ experience!

How it works

The tastings last around 30 – 40 minutes and we’ll be guiding you through a tasting of three wines

You can order the tasting selection in advance, through our online shop. Once our unique selections become available online and after your purchase, the wine will be delivered to you no later than 24 hours ahead of the tasting.

You’ll then be able to interact by via Instagram Live, posting questions and comments in the live feed.

Meantime, do please send a message if you’ve got any questions!

Like to get notified about our next wine tasting event?

We’d like to keep you informed about Vin Neuf activities including our regular wine tastings and wine courses. We also provide information about our latest wines and wine promotions.